In life, there are days when things become so overwhelming that you just couldn't help but cry. In my life, today is one of those days.
Have you heard of this psychological fact: When a person cries and the first drop of tears comes from the right eye, it's happiness. But when the first roll is from the left, it's pain.? Wondering from where the first drop of my tears came? Left.
If I were to say the reasons why I am crying, I would have a very long list. But to say the least, it's this:
I won't elaborate because that's not where I want to focus my energy on. When I set up this blog last year, I told myself that I'm going to fill it not with negative posts but inspiring and motivating ones. Because through this blog, I want to proclaim God's greatness. :)
Let's just say that there are things that I am going through right now. I'm sure you also have your share of misfortunes and disappointments. But what's important is to realize that we have a God who is so great that He is bigger and greater than all our struggles, all our problems, all our pains, all our worries, and all our disappointments. He is even greater than all our victories, all our successes, and all our joys. And He has a great plan for us, even in our pains, even in our waiting, even in our doubts, worries, and hopelessness. When things are not going our way, let's just trust that God has a better plan, and that His plans are always grander than ours.
As I write this post, I am reminded of Matthew 11:28-30. And I was led to this song:
I admit, I cried even more. But I was slowly feeling better. I feel God's warm embrace as if He's telling me, "It's okay, My princess. You know you can always come to me." I was silently crying but my heart screams its utmost desires and deepest pains. And as I cry out to God, He comforts me with His healing touch. I know He understands. I know He knows. And once again, I am assured that I am not alone. He is with me.
Tears are still flowing but they are no longer just because of mere pain. They are now a representation of my surrender. I surrender to God these pains, these burdens, these emotions, these hopes, the things that bother me. I surrender to Him my plans, my wishes, my desires, the things that I long for. These tears represent my heart that lets go and lets God. These tears say, "You are my God. I am nothing without You. And I allow You to be what You are - God in my life, God of my life."
Today, I cry because of the cross that I carry. But I smile because I know that like Jesus who boldly carried His cross, I will soon have my glory. :)
I saw this photo and again, I smiled. :)
I remember a quote from a movie, "Pain is good. Pain keeps me alive." And as yesterday's Gospel teaches us, the only way to resurrection is the way of the cross. It's simply our reality. And the truth is, God has always been and will always be with us. We are never alone. No matter how heavy our cross may be, there's God who is ready to carry it with us, and no matter how long our Good Fridays may seem, there's always a promise of Easter Sunday. :)
I end this post with a smile on my face, a heart filled with joy and thanksgiving, and a song which, for the second time (the first time was last year -, God serenaded me with. :)
Whew! That was such a relief! :) Thank You for this day, for this moment, Lord! It's like I've gone to a retreat. You truly are everywhere. You are indeed amazing! ♥
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