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Thank You, Lord! :)

It has been a long and stressful day (the past three days have been lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng and stressssssssssssssssssssssssssssssful), but You are just so amazing, Lord that I couldn't sleep without telling You how grateful I am. :)

Thank You, Lord for the miracle that You did yesterday. Break even and more. :)

Thank You, Lord for the laughter and stories shared during the post-mission meeting with Team Thailand. :)

Team Thailand - Princesses from SFC Metro Manila :)
Thank You, Lord for Lawrence. He is just the (almost) perfect man. He has his flaws, but they are acceptable; he makes mistakes, but they are all forgivable. There are a lot of men but there can never be anyone else. He's really the one. And You know it very well. :)

♥ Nemo. Love. ♥
Thank You, Lord for giving me strength and endurance each day. :)

Thank You, Lord for the short but restful sleeps. :)

Thank You, Lord for every waking moment and every opportunity that You give me to proclaim Your greatness. :)
Thank You, Lord for Your message through Fr. Frank. I heard it loud and clear. :)

Thank You, Lord for walking with me and protecting me everyday, especially every night (and dawn) when I go home from work or service. :)

Thank You, Lord for not allowing those fierce dogs to bite me. Thanks for making them realize that I am human, and not a juicy walking bone. :)

Most especially, thank You, Lord, for everything that You're doing to and through my parents. :) I can't explain the happiness that I felt when Mama told me that Papa finally mustered the courage to confess and avail the Sacrament of Reconciliation. :) And to make him want to serve and dedicate his life to You, that is something only You can do. I can never inspire them enough, I give the credits to You, Lord! Thank You! :)

Coming home to a family who understands, supports, loves, and now, little by little, embraces the life that I chose to live (and choosing to live it too), what more can I ask for? How can I not be grateful? :)

I admit at times I find it hard to practice the attitude of gratitude. I know You know my complaints, Lord. You hear my sighs, and You see my tears no matter how hard I try to hide them from people. I know You know how much I wanted to scream at times, how I long to escape from the chaos, how I want to just spend time with the people I love the most. You know everything. And You are just so amazing that You know when to send messages of love and encouragement and You know exactly how to turn my perspectives around. :)

All those things I'm thanking You for (and there's still a lot more) are clear manifestations of how great Your love is for me. And because of them, I move forward. :)

Thank You, for reminding me that it's not always me and it's not JUST me. :)

I have no right to say, "I love You" because I know that You loved me first. And so, I thank You, and I love You, too, Lord! ♥

And because words can't articulate the depth of my thanksgiving, allow me to offer You this song:

You are amazing, God! ♥


  1. Amen and amen! I honor you for all the hard work, sis! God bless you more :)

  2. I honor you too, Ate Dona! You also inspire me with your committed service. God bless you too! See you sa MMC! :)


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