It's been more than two weeks since the 19th CFC-SFC International Conference but the "Great God" fever is still on. And I don't think it will ever be turned off. :)
It's just amazing how God is manifesting His greatness in our lives. Even the little things, the simplest blessings, when seen with eyes of faith, can actually be a manifestation of how great the Lord is. During our household this afternoon, we were supposed to talk about the first ICon session, Great God. But before I revealed to them the topic, I asked them to rate their life in terms of relationship in the family, relationship with their special someone (since we all have our GGs - read God's Gift/Boyfriend), career, and service. As I listen to their sharing, I couldn't help but smile because they are already citing God's greatness in their lives. When everybody was done rating their respective lives, I told them what our household topic was. And we were all just amazed at how we were able to discuss the topic during what is supposed to be just an "icebreaker."
Truly, God's greatness can be experienced everyday, even in the most difficult times of our lives. Again, it's just a matter of perspective and attitude.
And because we have a great God, we live G.R.E.A.T.
G - grateful in all things
R - ready for the mission
E - excited for the future
A - assured of God's providence
T - trusting completely
This is who we are, by virtue of our baptism, and our membership in Christ's body, we are called to live our greatness. We have a GREAT GOD. Therefore, we should live G.R.E.A.T! :)
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