... you'll receive lots of love and care and stuff from people. :)
Last week was probably among the busiest weeks of my year. And because there's just too much on my plate already, my body cried "enough!" Thus, last Saturday, I went home in bad shape. I had colds that hindered me from breathing normally. On Sunday, I had fever and suffered from terrible headache and body pains. I did not report for work on Monday because I felt worse.
Despite being under the weather for the past days, I still am very grateful for the love and care that I receive from people and for the following material expressions of that love:
Thanks, Ablaze! :) |
Sweeter than candy, it is! :) |
Monday Treat from Lawrence. :) |
And these were my surprises yesterday:
What's on my desk when I came in. Thanks, Tito Eric & Tita Agnes, and EJ! :) |
Christmas package! Thanks to Tito Mannix & Tita Aileen for the ham! :) |
Fresh dalandan from Tita Bernie! :) |
Another ham from GMC! :) |
And more gifts! :) Thanks, Ate Kate and the Escaños! :) |
Free merienda from Tita Myra of HOLD! :) |
And another gift! This time, it's for the whole team. Thanks, Ate Rochelle! :) |
But wait, there's more! During lunch, I was seated beside Tito Mon and in the same table as Tito Eric. Much to my surprise, Tito Eric gave me a glass of water. It might seem like a small gesture but that meant a lot especially that it came from no less than the GMC Administrator himself. I really felt so pampered. :)
There goes my gratitude list for the first two days of the last workweek in GMC. :)
When Fr. Benedict prayed over me last week, he asked God to make me feel special, assured of His love, every single day of my life. This is also my prayer for all of us. It's good to know that it's not just Christmas and when we're sick - but everyday - that we receive love, wrapped in the most colorful package. But it's best to experience it personally. After all, love, just like faith, is not meant to be kept; it's meant to be shared. :) And the greatest expression of love is not words, but concrete actions.
Thank You God for expressing Your love for me in sickness and in health, Christmas or not. I may not be able to equally give back what You have given me, but I hope even my little actions speak loudly of how much I am grateful and how much I love You too! ♥
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