It's just amazing how God has been affirming me through His whispers. :)
Whisper 1:
Dear Aiza,
You make me feel good every time I see you.
Love ya,
P.S. You rock, Aiza.
Whisper 2:
Dear Aiza,
Sometimes, I’ll allow you to hit rock bottom. Sometimes, I’ll allow you to lose what you hold dear. So that you hit rock bottom. Why? I know that rock bottom is the birthplace of victory.
Be still,
P.S. I’ll be with you, Aiza. Hold on.
Whisper 3:
Dear Aiza,
Look at the very successful people in the world, and you realize that many of them went through massive amounts of pain. If you look at their history, many of them passed by this popular place called Rock Bottom. And if you are somewhere in this place, I want you to have hope.
Look up,
P.S. Aiza, don’t you dare give up. You’re in the doorway of something new in your life.
Whisper 4:
Dear Aiza,
For every baby step you take towards your dream, I’ll take a giant step in bringing your dream closer to you.
P.S. Be amazed, Aiza!
Whisper 5:
Dear Aiza,
I have delegated My power to you. I have given you the power to represent Me in the world. You are My ambassador!
P.S. You are My face in the world. You are My smile to the nations. You are God’s touch to this generation, Aiza.
Thank You, Lord! :) Whisper some more. I am listening. :)
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