You have given it all to me. To You, Lord, I return it. Everything is Yours; do with it what You will. Give me only Your love and grace. That is enough for me. -St. Ignatius of Loyola Today is St. Ignatius of Loyola's Feast Day. And today, I remember all the things that the Lord has given me. :) July is the new January! At least that's what I felt about the beginning of the 3rd quarter. God made all things NEW for me. I welcomed the month with a new group ( Paolo's badminton family ) in a somewhat new place (because we took a route I haven't taken before) with new experiences (especially the Lumiang-Sumaguing Cave Connection). I made a big career change and found myself working in a totally different environment. But I'm loving every part of it, minus the daily commute. I met new friends and new mentors. I'm so grateful for my boss who took a chance on me and who has been so appreciative even of my little accomplishments. ...
Because in life, it's the little things that matter. ♥