January 25, 2015 10:20PM My brother left for a business trip last Thursday and he hasn't returned yet, so I've been alone in this apartment for four days now. I know I could have gone out with friends but if you have a job as toxic as mine, then you would understand that weekends, especially Sundays, are just sacred days meant to be spent with God and either family or if you're alone like me, with yourself. I guess that's just things are when you're single and 28. Seriously, I was tempted to go to the nearby internet cafe to check my email or just update my social media accounts. But the lady in me opted to stay at home and just do one of the things I am passionate about but don't have the time to pursue: cook! Yeah, I spent my Sunday going to the market and cooking all day! Oh what a beautiful day! :) Photo Credit: Pinterest.com For breakfast, I only had Energen (Strawberry Flavor) and bread. But the rest of the meals for the day ...
Because in life, it's the little things that matter. ♥