During the morning worship, Tito Ricky shared a beautiful article for leaders. It was also emailed to us and I am posting it here for everybody to read. :) *Click the link to view original article.* Top 10 "Old School" Checklist for Leaders by Dan Reiland 1. Courteous At no time is it appropriate for a leader to be rude. Misused power and authority is at least in poor taste and may at times be an indication of a leader’s character. Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit and a courteous nature is deeply interwoven within kindness. Courteous doesn't mean lacking in strength or unable to make tough decisions. It reflects more an attitude of consideration for the disposition of other human beings. That is never Old School. 2. Industrious Most of the leaders I know are hardworking people. They are committed to the mission and take their responsibilities seriously. They treat the meaning of their paycheck with honor rather than entitlement. I will admit, howe...
Because in life, it's the little things that matter. ♥